The increase in global liquidity
While returning to the gold standard or the adoption of flexible exchange rates increase the speed at which the balance of payments, the abolition of automated response to the balance of payments. Other plans would leave the adjustment mechanism is largely unaffected. They would instead increase the supply of liquidity, said, reserves and borrowing capacity, and thus time the balance of payments adjustments can be made. By increasing the amount of reserves available for a deficit country, he may be able to mount its deficit without changing prices and income --- the gap can not be decisive, and they can go back in time. At least, if the price and income changes is required, additional reserves to make these changes relatively less painful to stretch over a longer period.
Most of the innovations to the Bretton Woods system is in this direction, such as increased liquidity. For example, currency swaps, and dozens of group lending: the temporary placement of funds in the hands of other countries of the deficit. But there is opposition to increase liquidity schemes. A school has argued that all matters into account the current system has worked quite well. This school believes that the current system can deal with liquidity problems for the future. Not surprisingly, tends to be a position of IMF officials and staff. Others argue that the creation of excess liquidity as a substitute for more effective monitoring mechanism is dangerous. excess reserves are told simply to slow down and make the crisis worse when it finally arrives. This kind of criticism is usually offered to advocates of flexible exchange rates, adjusting the focus is on liquidity.
And the reform seems inevitable. Therefore, assuming that this "adjustment" exchange rate system will remain largely as is, with less and no more adjustments in exchange rates, other changes in the current system is necessary to meet their growing deficiencies operational. Two particular gaps receive attention from those who want to increase reserves. First, countries with a reserve currency of the deficit, but the persistent deficit undermines confidence in the quality of the reserve () changes. But when the deficit is eliminated, reducing the pace of world reserves, and perhaps the paucity of supply. Dilemma are international monetary crisis has caused. Secondly, without a new source of growth in reserves, insufficient reserves will increase future pressure for more restrictive measures against free trade and capital flows or income of more radical adjustments and the price when the rhythm, adjustments are necessary in order.
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