

Is 21-12-2012, The End Of World

Posted by ฬคภt "ѕσмє"???CoMe.......GeT "ѕσмє"

Many mysteries are behind Dec 21, 2012. As per some scientific views, our world is gonna end by dec 21, 2012. And there are many reasons behind this, the MAYA Calendar, designed in ancient days and used in MAYA civilization, was used to predict the date and time, was made only upto dec21, 2012 and exists no more after that. And furthur there are other prophecies from all over the world stating that something amazing is gonna happen on dec12, 2012. And some stated that there will not be any planet in universe after 2012, or a amazing planet is yet to come after 2012. There are many mysteries behind this, and none were solved yet. Lets wait and see whats gonna dont overthink about this.

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