

How To Check If Your Anti-Virus Is Working Properly Or Not

Posted by ฬคภt "ѕσмє"???CoMe.......GeT "ѕσмє"

You may have recently purchased an anti-virus software or have an antivirus software and you believe that it is the best anti-virus software for your computer. You may be wrong!
Most of the anti-virus softwares doesn't even recognize different types of viruses.
Today, we will show you an awesome trick, that will help you to find out, if your anti-virus software is working properly or not.

The method We r going to show you is called as "EICAR test file". Its official name is EICAR Standard Anti-Virus Test File.
It is a file, developed by the European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research, to test the response of computer antivirus programs.

Follow the simple method given below to test your anti-virus program.

* Open Notepad

* Copy The Line Given Below and Paste It In Notepad.


* Now Save This File With The Filename "Virus.exe" or "" or "Virus.txt"

If your anti-virus program is working properly, it will detect this file within seconds. If your anti-virus has not detected this file, it means that your anti-virus is not working properly. You can update it and check once again with this method or you can uninstall it and install a new anti-virus program.
Just check ur antivirus...
For more detail about this test Click on me....

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Be Invisible In Gtalk...

Posted by ฬคภt "ѕσмє"???CoMe.......GeT "ѕσмє"

We all miss one of the great awaited feature of how to set invisible status in gtalk. Just like yahoo messenger invisible status in gtalk will allow you to be online without being bugged by gtalk friends when you are at work or don’t feel like to be annoyed by your gtalk friends.

But the regular gtalk version provided by google does not allow you to be in invisible mode when you are logged in.

As seen in the image beside, you can either set your gtalk to busy, show current music track or any custom message as your gtalk status message.

Today, we will tell you how you can be invisible using gtalk without being bugged by your gtalk contacts.

There are two approaches to be invisible in google chat, lets discuss about both of them.

1. Invisible In Google Talk With Google Talk Labs Edition
In order to get invisible with gtalk only then you need to install a some what different version of gtalk called gtalk labs edition.

What is Gtalk Labs Edition?
Google Talk, Labs Edition is an experimental release of the Google Talk client. It has many of the same great features as the Google Talk Gadget, including instant messaging, emoticons, and group chat. Google Talk Labs Edition also includes new desktop notifications from Gmail, Calendar and Orkut.

You will need to first download gtalk labs edition, and install it.. Thats it!!
Click on me to download

If that doesnt work.. Click on me..

After running and logged in to gtalk labs edition, you will find the option to set your status to invisible mode

To Signout from Google Talk Labs Edition, right click the Google Talk Labs Edition icon in taskbar and select Signout. It is as simple as that. Most of the users were confused because Google has not provided the option to signout from the client itself. We hope Google will add the signout option in the client, in the coming days.

The other easy way to be invisible is chat form GMail..
2.Invisible in Google Chat via Gmail

If you use google chat via gmail mail interface you can set your status as invisible,

But by adopting this method you will need to sign out from gtalk and login through the gmail chat interface in the left sidebar of GMail page.

Thats it.. Now u can use gtalk in Invisible mode which many users just wished for all these days...

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